Matka Play Referesh


There are a total of 120 Single Pana’s.
Single Pana’s are also called SP Pana in chart.
Each Single has 12 Single Pana’s
Single Pana is always in X'<'Y'<'Z format and all three numbers of the Pana are unique.
SP Pana Rate = 1:40
Note : Please note that this list only contains Single Pana’s.

SP Pana's of 1

128, 137, 146, 236, 245, 290, 380, 470, 489, 560, 579, 678

SP Pana's of 2

129, 138, 147, 156, 237, 246, 345, 390, 480, 570, 589, 679

SP Pana's of 3

120, 139, 148, 157, 238, 247, 256, 346, 490, 580, 670, 689

SP Pana's of 4

130, 149, 158, 167, 239, 248, 257, 347, 356, 590, 680, 789

SP Pana's of 5

140, 159, 168, 230, 249, 258, 267, 348, 357, 456, 690, 780

SP Pana's of 6

123, 150, 169, 178, 240, 259, 268, 349, 358, 367, 457, 790

SP Pana's of 7

124, 160, 278, 179, 250, 269, 340, 359, 368, 458, 467, 890

SP Pana's of 8

125, 134, 170, 189, 260, 279, 350, 369, 468, 378, 459, 567

SP Pana's of 9

126, 135, 180, 234, 270, 289, 360, 379, 450, 469, 478, 568

SP Pana's of 0

127, 136, 145, 190, 235, 280, 370, 389, 460, 479, 569, 578